Friday, February 10, 2006

Supervisor Adventures (Not Bad At All)

I'm a supervisor, which means I am responisble for other people. When something happens, I end up being responsible for it. I need to scheldue a meeting for my workers so they can get out any issues they may or may not have.

Noticed some people will not turn in timesheets proper. Will send an email out about that. Its just wrong!!!!! If they don't submit them, I can't approve them. payroll doesn't accetp them till next pay period. You gotta wait two more weeks before you get paid again. That's not good.

Have readings and project to complet before Sunday at midnight. I am gonna be so busy. Will start that in the evening.

Anybody remember the CD's "The Lover In Me" by Sheena Easton, and "Whatever It Takes" By Cheryl Lynn? I've been looking for those CD's for some time now. I've started with the used CD section in music stores. I saw a copy of both on A friend of mine suggested, because she shops there all the time.


Beatty said...

I didn't know you were a supervisor! Man, that is one of the most stressful job catagories to have. I can't or will I ever be in charge of people at work. I can't be nobody's boss. lol I feel for ya.

Unknown said...

LOL Beatty, its not so bad. It does mean I delgate a lot, and when something bad happens, I am the first one people come to. I am one of three supervisors. I have the late shift. I have a lot of duties, but the students are the biggest management task.

(SR71)Atomica said...

I remember Sheena Easton's classic, The lover in me, what a great track that was, saw her in concert that year, very talented and EXTREMELY fit, funny thing is not long ago I was on a site that posts reviews of exercise videos, and someone posted a review of an abdominal exercise video she put together in c 1991, and had experienced great results from that and found her to be quite knowledgable...

Unknown said...

I didn't know she did an excercise vidoe. I think a lot of artists did some type of instructional videos back in the late '80's and early 90's (Paula Abdul did one too, I think).