Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My Meltdown

I was having a bit of my own meltdown when I found out my MFA program, Contemporary Writing was phased out for a new program called "Professional Writing." Contemporary has only been around for a year, and I was ready to get into my classes. Well, I didn't know what the complete changes were, and unfortunately, since the change recently happened, not too many details were finalized. "Meltdown" seems as tame as to what I felt.

I did some calling and emailing. I even thought about changing my major so I don’t have to deal with the chaos that was wrought to me. I ignored my instinct to stay were I am, and not worry. Realistically, I don’t have to change. The equivalents of certain programs would be offered, and I could take those.

As to why I ignored my own judgment. Well, s bit of my confidence was eroded. I was proud I belonged to a program I am so willing to back. Peeps were telling me, "Stacy, you could get into speech writing, work for campaigns. Maybe you could get into scriptwriting, and create TV shows." You just got to love growing potential and interest in your chosen area of studying. I could feel my budding career slipping away from me.

Let me let you know that I put out a spectacular portfolio to get into the contemporary writing program. My portfolio was a mix of fiction and non-fiction pieces I worked on. I only needed twenty pages; I gave twenty-nine (with a max of thirty).

My acceptance into the MFA program is conditional, and I need to complete three preliminary courses before I can be full accepted into the program. I have two literature classes & one scriptwriting course at the undergrad level to take and pass with a “b.” Well, I can handle this. It’s not that deep of a challenge, and if I look at this from the standpoint that I have taken lit classes before (they didn’t transfer, which is too bad)., and I have a chance to have some refresher material, then I shall be fine.


Anonymous said...

*Puts on pom poms.*

Go go go Stacy! You can do it!!! Rah rah rah!!!

Don't let the roadbumps get you down.

Unknown said...

Thanks Shisho. I am going full steam ahead! :-)