Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Writing Fool I Am

Scribbled more notes for my final paper. I am pleased I am thinking more of what I want to say. I failed to read a few of the articles I printed, however, I think that I will do this over the full week-end I have instead of the one day. I have done my LAST day of OT last week. the whole quarter was OT. I wore myself thin. Working six days a week? OT has not been as good as I would have liked it to be. :-(

The paper is on the representation of masculinity in contemporary art. This was harder than I thought, and my initial paper was on the human figure in contemporary art. I wanted a challenge, more so than the female figure, which is always discussed, and wondered if I a writer, artist, and man could look at the role of masculinity, and see what I offered to the medium, and discuss the works of other artists.

Interestingly, female artists creating representatives of men, are mainly photographers. I found there were a lot more female photographers, and more male painters. I will also be showing several pieces of my own artwork to discuss my own interpretations of masculinity. I need to put the presentation and the paper together by this weekend so I can edit it proper.

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