Sunday, August 12, 2007


Well, began a little more writing on my final paper in contemporary art. I have a feeling this paper will keep me up until three for a couple of days, which won't be so bad. I need to check my syllabus to check the dates proper. I will scream bloody murder if its due sooner than I think. :-(

Began having ideas, and implementing them on a few scripts I was working on. One of them was a short story I thought to expand into a mini series. Why? Well I have more to write with these characters. What was six pages is now nine. Likewise I have the impulse to write more on other stories I abandoned and have since reclaimed. I tell you, I am so unorthodox in my method. Still, when I get to it, I work it. I can't slow the flow down.

I have a few ideas I may handwrite tonight, if I don't get to my 'puter. I'm feeling that giving to the writing.

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