Thursday, January 12, 2006

More Noise

This is pure spite. Neighbor has had music going on since 7:58 today (its now 10:31). Keeping a log today of all this foolishness. I called the apptartment manger this morning agin. Later I will turn in this log to the appt manager. This is beyond out of contol. I really wanted to sleep this moning. I will let the manager know exactly how I feel about this in person.

I don't care if the neighbor wants to listen to music. I don't want to hear it though. I shouldn't have to hear it. I need to sleep, and I have the right to have my appt as quiet as I need it to be.


Unknown said...

Thanks Nicole. I'm so pissed about this. Really. I want the manager to know I work and need my sleep. I also need my home to quiet.

Anonymous said...

Good that you're monitoring it. If you have a video camera you might also want to record it. You might also want to get the exact laws about noise in your jurisdiction and print out a copy to "remind" the apt. manager about your rights. A little threatening never hurts either ;-)

Unknown said...

I wish I had a video camera. I will for sure invest in one in the future.

Apt mngr called this morning to make sure all is well. That I think, is a good sign in my favor that this thing will resolve itself.