Thursday, September 07, 2006

Been Thinking

I don't have an ISP, yet l,if has gone on. How can this be? LOL I know that once I get my ISP back I will be updating my blog on a more frequent basis, which is what I really want the freedom to do. For now I'm on my break, typing an entry. Thank God for the wi-fi I get as both a student and staff member of SCAD. I have to say, if I didn't have cable or DVD's I would more than likely do more writing. Distractions are all the rage in my place.

I need to peep some furniture. I know I need some. :-)

Did a spending journal, that is helping me out tremendously. Now I know where the money is going. Have to limit my latte intake, but they give me a mighty good boost in the evening when I write. The mysterious powers of the latte (hazelnut or vanilla).

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