Saturday, September 16, 2006

One Day Off

Oh, i got one day to chill, and i am enjoying it. Contacted the family, and found that my Aunt is in the hospital. My Mom is upset, and has calmed down. I am positive my Aunt will be fine. Spoke with my older bro. he was chilling. My younger is at work (I think). I don't want to bother him at work. I know his job is fast-pased and busy. Saturdays must be crazy. my week was like that. I should send him an email though.

This week-end is pizza week-end, and I have no complaints. Went to Staples to pick up a portfolio. A hard cover for a writing assignemnt. I also have more corrections to my comic. I must admit, after finishing up the whole thing, to see it all collected in one binder is so good a feeling. I am going to work on it tomorrow during my work break. Its the only time I have enough silence 2 work on it.


Beatty said...

Glad you have this one day off. They really need to give you more though.

Hope your aunt will be fine. And glad to hear your family is doing ok.

Unknown said...

I may take a day off. LOL We're short staffed, and they pile on the work. I will be off Fri & Sat next week 4 sure unless its OT.