Sunday, September 24, 2006

Damn Internet Jitters

Goodness, my internet stalled for the whole day. i fould this very annoying, as I wanted to at least check my messages. instead I watched some cable, and then dusted off an old script for a comic book I forgotten i wrote. I didn't realize how far I got (fourteen pages). i should so reclaim and finsih this story. Why? Because it is so worth it. I did have to adjust the tabs as the old files had the tabs everywhere. Editing is annoying sometimes, but I get it doen proper. I have two other projects I need to get shit done with 'causeI need to push myself harder with my writing. I have the consistant thing down, now I need the more frequent and producing more down.

Cari and I made a list of publishers. We're still talkinging about it, now I got to get the drafts done proper.

I think I am going to design my own personal website soon. I have the right images and ideas. We'll have to wait and see as I am ready to get things started.

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