Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Hey, I missed a couple of days, but that's ok.  I've been working on a Powerpoint presentation.  The "Me" project for one of my classes.  It took up a lot of my time, and energy.  Boy was I exausted.  I maxed out two solid days of making this project shine.  It looks pretty great.  Design wise I get stronger each day with how to make things look better.   I am pleased with my progress. 
Since we last met, I worked on my lawn, and started my allergies up.  My eyes watered so bad, I didn't put my contacts in.  Then the sneezing and sniffling began.  Sigh.  I'm back to glasses.   I'll write more when time becomes available.  Now a have a tepid Xerox tranning session to attend, in spite of the fact that i train people to use the damn machine all the time.  Call it a management issue.  With luck I will learn something new to report back about. 

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