Monday, July 26, 2004

I've got 2 hrs of work left.

It's almost time to close this place up.  On top of that I've been having a swell day.   Nobody complained.  LOL.  No backackes, and talk of "mucus in one's chest."   LOL.  Praise the Lord.  Nobody knows how annoying and digusting it is to hear that mess, in addition to all the camel noises this co-worker makes.  I've never met any woman who was willing to belckh or fart in front of other people.    

The Ball and Mirror project didn't go so well.  it looks like crap to me.  I suppose that's my own fault for waiting so late.  next time I'll have to do much better.  I have two projects left in my Illustrator.  Don't you know my animation project file got corrupted, again!   I'm so pissed.  I worked on that sucker.  I wanted it to shine!  This time around I made multiple copies, so if something went wrong, I had another back-up.  Good thing too.  I would have lost my mind as a few weeks of work goes down the toilet.  A classmate of mine lost ALL of her current work.  it wasn't pretty.

I have a final presnetation.  I'm doing it on American Realist Thomas Eakins.  Eakins broke rules and conventions.  Also I know a lot about his work.  it makes the research much more easier, as I sort and tease through the information.

Song of the Day:  "The Greatest Romance That's Ever Been Sold" by Prince.  Why?  That son't been in my head all week.  I find myself humming it and singing the lines aloud.  How did it get there?  Not that it's a bad song, but it seem to come from out of the blue.  Thank God I didn't listen to any boy bands or tten pop acts.  Lord I'd be so regretting it now.   LOL


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