Tuesday, April 11, 2006

New Writing Project

Have have a Sci-Fi story I'm working on, I keep projects rolling. LOL This one will take me about 4 good weeks, if I maintain the course. A lot of its is writing and finding out about the characters, then revising as necessary. My novel is still on the backburner, but I need time away from what i wrote to get back into it.

Dug up some old stories on my laptop two of them caught my eye quickly. I will be revising those as the days pass. I am in rush with them yet, but I will turn those straws into gold yet. they are great stories. I belive in my writing. my work can only get stronger and more skilled. before the end of the year, I aim to get my stories published. The novel, I'd loved to have a signifigant portion done by the end of the year.

I'm a writng fool.

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