Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Please Lose the Attitude

We send faxes at work as a courtesy. We send them at three hours. The only hour with relevance to my shift is 9:00 PM. This student comes in, and asks if we fax. I told him the hour I fax, and the guy had an attitude. When the four letter words start flying that's whent he problem comes. He wants his item faxed NOW. I started helping other people. Gave them the upmost service while this boy fell to peices. The guy storms out, comes back in and says he wants to fax his item but I need to make a copy of the material. I told him where the copy room was. We don't make extra copies. He wasd even more pissed. I left him alone to fill out his fax info and told him to put it on the desk when he was done. His material was faxed proptly at 9:00 PM, not a moment sooner or later.

People come in all huffy and shit, and want me to bend over backwards while they are cursing. Betta call your momma, see if she can fax it. Maybe she will burp you change you too.

Pleasantly another person came in and asked about faxing. All the while it was a pleaseant convesation. It capped off a nice moment in my day.

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