Friday, April 28, 2006

Two Weeks Without Lattés

Its my day off. What did I do? I went out for groceries. It was worthwhile. I made a budget of $40.00, and the goal was to stay with it. Even with adding chocolate chip cookies, and a slice of red velvet cake, I managed to say under my budget ($38.00). I am proud of myself!!!!! The cake is the treat for my good behavior.

Paid a few bills today. Mainly my cable, phone bill, and insurance. Tomorrow I need to get my oil changed. I’m still in budget with that too!!!

I cut out Starbucks. I was spending too much money on Hazelnut Lattes. Maybe I’ll get a small (“tall” in Starbucks terms) once a week, not everyday. That’s a big maybe too, maybe I can drop lattes for at least two weeks.

Drinking more water. At least two bottles during work as opposed to all the soda and Kool-Aid.

Work has been annoying to say the least, but I prayed on it, and promised myself that I will not partake in any of the games going on. I do an excellent job, and I like my shift. Some people are too disgustingly ratty when it comes to trusting. That’s life.

I’m getting a slice of cake. I’m taking the edge off my day. LOL

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought hard about Starbucks, but I measured every penny. I edged Starbucks out, unfortunately.

I have coffee at home, and that will have to do for two weeks. LOL

Work. Sometimes I get irrated, but now I know who my friends are that I work with. I can ignore all the other BS. Too many wanna be assholes. Enoguht about them, or I'll ruin my day off.