Friday, April 28, 2006

Novel Progression IV

I got the urge to work on my novel once more. I began adding paragraphs and taking away some. I like the fact that I am moving forward. The story gets deeper, and feels better. I so love writing. Good challenge.

I hope to retype at least two pages. I’ll feel good about that. I can work on more tomorrow.


Unknown said...


I borrow from both schools. This particular novel, I wrote the names of the characters, and their roles. This helped me build some of background for the characters. When I got to typing the story, it was a mix of spontaneous handwriting of scenes, and improvising while typing.

I think I know a lot about the characters, but there is so much I don't know yet. For example I know that some characters will have a clash/confrontation, but I don't know how it will go down.

I am a big fan of motives in this story, so I hope to show why some people do the things they do.

Unknown said...


Writing fiction can be up and down. Sometimes I can write a lot, but need to leave it alone for a while. Now that I have time to devote time to revising, I can see what needs improvement. Slowly this novel expands. I am pleased that I have progress, and hope to work on this novel.

Some of the characters I created detailed notes. I don’t know how close I will stick to the notes, but I was able to develop a family tree, and map out the main characters family.

Oddly, I have another idea for a different type of novel (the fist is fantasy, this new idea is contemporary, real to life).

My short stories, like the new idea are based on real life. I draw a lot from the world around me too. Perhaps I need to add some to the first novel.