Saturday, April 29, 2006

My Day Off

I got up early to have my oil changed. After that i came back home and relaxed. I love a lazy Saturday. I made french toast for breakfast. made enough for tomorrow. They were soooo good. I may make fries for dinner. I'm not in the mood to make a full meal.


Beatty said...

Isn't it a good feeling to just have a lazy day! I had a lazy Saturday today too! I really needed it as we're working alot of OT and by end of week, I'm really, really tired.

French toast is one of my favorites for breakfast. But I don't like getting up early after getting up all week early, so we eat whatever is handy at the time on a Saturday or Sunday when we do get up. lol

Unknown said...

It was after 1:00 PM when I cooked. LOL I suppose that's brunch, but I wanted french toast. ROFL

Beatty said...

Hey, nothing wrong with that. You eat what you feel like, doesn't matter what time it is. I've eaten pancakes for dinner and chilli or salad for breakfast before. LOL

Unknown said...

You are so right. LOL