Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Professional Writing vs. Dramatic Writing

For those not in the know, I am in a professional writing program. I will learn about publishing, critiquing, creative nonfiction, and presenting. My job options will be diverse and hopefully with the MFA behind the degree, pay more.

I have fallen in love with my screenwriting class. Here I would learn about film and stage production, as well as the opportunities to produce my own plays or film. My job options would be very specific, but my talent will allow me to move around in theater and film/TV, which may be a boon.

What you do not know is that I love them both, and if I could double major, I would, so I don’t. A friend suggested that I speak with the head of the dramatic writing program because all we are doing is talking, right? No harm done. Well the dept. head of the DW program has been so kind to me, AND he told me what I needed to present in a portfolio. I need to present six scripts, not simply six good writing pieces.

What has the pro writing program done for me lately? It’s held me hostage. I have two basic English courses they want me to take and I am not down for that. I’ve been trying to resolve this matter for months now. It’s become irritating to me. I must give credit to my advisor, because she has been very receptive and responsive, but I do feel the ice grip of limbo.

Let’s recap: I have a department head who gives me the heads up on his program, and a program that gives me limbo. I love screen writing, and I want to do much, much more of it. Guys, what am I waiting on? This is how I became a painter. My then advisor, Cliff Peacock, told me what to expect from being a painter and being a studio art major in my undergrad years. The rest is history. Said goodbye to the old program and worked a studio art degree.

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