Monday, April 30, 2007

Confused, Confused, Confused

A question for ladies: Why do some (and I stress some) of y'all wear outfits to expose cleavage, but when you come to the counter, y'all start covering that area up like there was a draft y'all just noticed?

See some ladies rock those outfits they chose. They're like, "yeah I got it, I flaunt it. Look but don't touch." Fine with me.

Others are like

"I'm sexy, look at meeeeee." *skips around in the winter with skimpy outfits.

"No I'm young and innocent (-esque)" *covers top with hands.

"I got them. Please check out what I got." *moves hands and sits near guys.

"Please don't see what I got." *covers self again as she asks for help at the counter.

"Peek-a-boo hoo." * She leaves a mess, like she's emotionally scarred.


Nicole said...

Those are the same bimbos that wear sexy clothes then get really pissed when guys actually notice and comment on how good they look. I will never understand that.

Anonymous said...

The simple answer? Women are crazy. On behalf of my gender, I have to come clean and admit it. Us womenz is nuts.

The not so simple answer? I'm guessing it's low self esteem followed by accute madonna/whore syndrome. But really that's just a fancy way of saying women are crazy.

Unknown said...

Thanks ladies. That does make more sense. :-)