Sunday, April 15, 2007

My Day

Me too darn tired. me no wanna write a thing. But I get these five sentencces down, like I'm s'posed ta' and I'll be alright. Did me grocery shopping and I wanted a cheesecake but Wal-Mart was a little low on the goodies side. I had to pass on by. Picked up some salad and some fruits. I'm tring to get healthier foods. Th.ings to balance out the cheese cake. I don't want to be a lard butt ya know.

On the way home some ass in a pick up was tailgaiting, then darted into the next lane, and then the third, tailgiting that person. I know when people try to ride the bumper I take my foot off the accelerator. No need for me to feel pressure when I was doing the speed limit. You got ants in your pants-not my problem. I know if you tailgate me, you're going to be pissed. Get off my bumper. Also, I can't run over the peeps in front of me. Slow that thing down.

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