Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What I Want From My Art Part 1

I was thinking about my projects, and how unfocused I have been. Granted, there are various outside elements grating on my nerves, stressing me, and I haven't been feeling well, but I have never stopped creating. My crafts have gotten minimum attention, and that, to me is wrong. It doesn't help that I have trouble focusing often. Being grounded (focused) is hard work, and I always come back to what I love. I would like to be more in my element. I have power here. I have satisfaction that is deeper than my job (forgive me work studies I love y'all, but my art is at the top of my list).

Initially, my foolish mind told me that I was too indecisive, and that I can't pick one project to give attention to proper. I was so wrong. Someone once advised me to be proactive in my work. That is stop waiting for change, go out and get the project done. It doesn't matter if I make a list or not. What I need to do what I get to work. Prioritize my actions, and make them work.

Taking stock, I am about to jump into my MFA program, and I'm feeling doubtful. Doubtful of my skills as an artist and a writer. What happened to me? OMG I let myself go without a fight. Let go like a whisper in an empty theater. That's my fault, and I am learning from my wrongs, as well as my goods.

It's like I didn't put my MFA portfolio together (29 pages of written samples, when I only needed 20, thank you very much). Well, who wrote it? I did? Who showed their ambition to secure the goal. I did. I can't keep doubting my gifts. One day I may find them gone, wishing I had used them when I had them. I am more than capable of doing it all.


Anonymous said...

Stacy, why are you doubting yourself? You know in your heart that you are a talented writer and artist. You have no reason to doubt anything. Success is there waiting for you to own it, to embrace it. Please see how great you are. You can achieve all your dreams and goals if you just go for it. Stop standing in your own way.

Unknown said...

I have always been harder on myself than I need to be. I am learning to get over my doubt.