Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Multi-tasking can be tricky as I try to line up my work, and get some stuff done proper. I am working on my writings (fiction and non-fiction), my artwork, classes, and my job. Yes, I am busy. Yes it will pay off in the long run. Yes it give me great pleasure to do it all. It's like that, and I am grateful to God for positivity in my life. It's up to me to remember that I do have plenty of good to focus on.

Took some pictures of some of my older art pieces. They have to be edited in Photoshop for cropping, and a real paltry attempt to adjust the coloring. I used the camera on my phone, and the lighting was not so cool. Decided it was better to hold off before posting them. I rushed my Photoshop adjustments. I am refusing to filter them because I want people to seethe images without the special effects.


Anonymous said...

Multitasking should be my middle name. I have so much stuff that I am doing, stuff that I want to do, stuff that I'm going to do and stuff that I am hoping to do that it's INSANE!!!!! I've known a few people without any real goals. How in the hell can you be given the gift of life and don't want to use your gifts and talents to your full potential? That's an abomination, if you ask me. Keep busy, Stacy! We're going to reach our goals.

Unknown said...

I have no plans on stopping, but I am living for a moment to have a breather.

Beatty said...

I try to muli task. Sometimes I handle it alright, other times not. When it gets overwhelming, I just kind of don't do anything. It just overwhelms me and I don't know what to do. I feel like it's just too much sometimes.

Unknown said...

I know what you mean. It gets like that sometimes.