Saturday, May 19, 2007


Still writing, still breathing, still working on things to come. Decided I would be completely lazy today, which is a mixed blessing type of deal. Want to catch the season finales of certain shows, which I will do shortly.

I made my pot of chicken Alfredo. OMG it is so good. I was so concerned about getting it right. I made the chicken for it like two days ago, so I was good with that. Made the sauteed veggies and the sauce. I can't do the jarred sauce without jazzing it up. I added butter, red pepper flakes, salt, half & half, Parmesan cheese, and a little nutmeg. 'Xcuse me, I just got a mild migraine. I need to take something for it.

*Gets Aleve & glass of water*

That was NASTY. Side of head was throbbing like mad, and what will happen next is nausea, if I let it. I forgot what I wanted to post. I LOATHE when that happens. I'm gonna chill with a movie in bed.

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