Sunday, July 22, 2012

Unemployment Sucks Part 25: The Ride

My car means a lot to me, so having it function again is getting back a piece of mind that I missed and needed in my life. Beforehand I never embraced losing my vehicle, and the impact it has on my life.  When I was faced with being unable to move as freely as I did, even simple errands became something of a tiring effort.  For example, I couldn't go to the grocery store like I normally would.  The heat was nastier than I remembered, and a walk to the local CVS was most tiring. I was, for sure afraid of heat exhaustion, which I've felty before.

I was fortunate to have a friend take me to the grocery store and I got some supplies and run a few errands.  That's why I say support is valuable, because if you don't have it, what will you do besides go without, and possibly loose your mind?

My ride's working again, thanks to support, but not having the money to immediately repair it, then facing a towing crisis that made me fret like a madman took it's toll. I am sincerely grateful for all the well wishes and the actual help.  You never know who your friends are until you're faced with crisis and stress. People let you know, "we're here for you" in spirit or in person.  Sometimes that "good luck" push works wonders for the spirit.

I say to all who read good luck in your endeavors, and I pray that things will turn positive for you.  I don't want you to give up on yourself, and I promise not to give up on myself. Things will turn around.  As to when and how, I have no clue, but that's why I pray, for you and me.  I'd love to say I've got a new job, and move onto being a productive citizen that doesn't feel trapped or hemorrhaging on unemployment. Talk about a parody of my former financial stability.  A Brother endures.

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