Tuesday, November 28, 2006

11/26/06 One Art

I visited my bro’s place as I finally got to see his apartment. It looks so good! Decided that after typing a total of six and a quarter of pages, it was time to try a script version of the story. As per my own rules, I only needed to do four pages at a set time. I ended up doing five pages, and may go onto seven pages provided my muse will carry me further. I still have info from the prose to script out.

I have a dinner date with a friend. We’ve been planning a day to get together. I think I will go home on Tuesday, as its time to get back into my place.

I have been very happy to see my family and hang out with them. My bro did get his Christmas tree. It was nice. I thought about a Christmas tree for my place, but unless I draw it, it ain’t happening. Not a bad idea either.

Speaking of drawing, I will be taking several pieces of my art home with me, and they will decorate my walls. ☺ Initially they sat in portfolios in Mom’s garage. It was time to liberate them. My artwork has a certain amount of power and energy, and I need them to strengthen me.

I hadn’t seen my own art in a while. I looked several images over several times. The monotypes were arresting to me. I will post the images once I get take some pictures. Perhaps if its sunny outside. I missed drawing and painting. Thankfully I have supplies and don’t have to purchase them. They will give me some peace of mind when I start drawing again, as opposed to doodling over everything.

I will, in the future, start to use watercolors again.

My song of the night is “Game” by Ayumi Hamsaki. I am so on the J-Pop kick. I love it so.

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