Monday, November 06, 2006

Faults and All

Copied this post from my own posting at YABS.

There are more questions than answers, but this is what I learned form the podcast earlier.

Accept where we are right now. Accept what is going on in our lives before we move forward.

Take responibility for ourselves. Once we take responsibility no one or no thing can be responsible for how we feel and react in life.

The next step is to accept yourself, faults and all. Whoo. Trying to wrap my head around it all. I didn't expect an easy answer, but I didn't expect to fry my brain either. Yep, I need to draw something, get my mind off of me. This sounds so out of body.

All I can say is that trying to start looking at meditation and enlightenement as a signifigant tool in life, and I find that I am very much an uncarved block of wood. I don't know if I can even go the distance. How does one Rise above it all? How do I accept myself on all levels to move onto the next step? I have more questions than answers. Well, there is some meditation I need to do, perhaps later on this night.

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