Thursday, November 30, 2006

More Than Another Day

I decided to finally take myself to the DMV and get myself a valid GA driver's licence, as opposed to the SC one I currently have. I checked online, and what it stated was I needed my current DL, and proof of residency, which is a utility bill or a pay stub. No big whoop, right? Wrong. I also needed my birth certificate or a passport. I didn't know that until I had to get in that damn line. I was pissed. OMG Why wasn't it on the website? Did I overlook it? Just what the hell is going on? All I wanted to do is switch over to GA and now there is an extra step involved. I am so done with this for today.

Today I don't want to write any fiction. Just like yesterday when I didn't feel like blogging. Well, when is it going to get done, and who the hell is going to do it? Sometimes I am too spoiled, and put off all the things I need to do because I don't have to. However, sometimes it pays to do all the things you don't have to do, but it would pay off one thousand times to do it before its necessary.

This is my last day of vacation, and I hoping to enjoy it. I enjoy writing more right? The get to work buzz is coming on. Even if I handwrite the work I will be satisfied. I believe I will be compiling the notes I wrote out a few days ago. Tomorrow will be back into the hustle and bustle of the break time at work. The end of the quarter is always this dry affair where I am ready to get back to my regular routine. See, writing brings me a sense of balance. i don't appreciate it sometimes until I am unable to do it on a regular basis.

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