Sunday, November 12, 2006

Slow & Steady (Trying To Keep It There)

On my way to work, there are two lanes. Four cars in front of me was someone who decided that on the interstate thirty-five miles per hour was cool. It make the lane back up as we were reduced to a crawl. In my rear view mirror, I could see other rides moving into the next lane. It was a good mile before the slow driver decided to increase his speed. I went with the flow, because I could not get over. In hindsight I should have moved over a while ago if I wanted to keep at a good pace. Nonetheless, I wasn't late for work because I decided to go to leave my place a little earlier than usual.

At work things are the same. People really need help and often ask. Some are more reasonable than others. For example, I am here to accept retuned books and check them out to people. Others are more challenging. Calling, asking for things they can find, since they are on the website. Its so easy to not do your work. I dread touring the place tonight. Its so going to get trashed.


Beatty said...

Just droppin in real quick to say hello! :o)

See you're keeping busy here as always! :o)

Unknown said...

Hey Beatty,

You know me, writing fool. LOL