Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Draft #4 Revisions III

...Stopped after completing page fourteen. I am kind of tired, and I don't need to rush it. Learned I misnumbered the previous draft, and fear its a page short of twenty-four pages. This means making a new page for chapter two, which won't be so bad. It is truly a good habit to get into going back and look over the material.

I am feeling this chapter. Revising has gotten me a better hold onto the characters. My heroine's personality is a little more complex, and two of her "foils" have stronger impacts to the story and the heroine. Alas, my hero is still a duck out of water, but that's were he's supposed to be. ;-) I have some revisions I want to give his dialogue. Oh, had a brain buzz as I type this. Scuze me.

The brain buzz means I now have my "missing page," and will have to renumber my previous attempts at renumbering. It won't be bad at all. What can I say, the corrections for clarity turn me on.

P.S. During my break, at work today, I hand wrote out some dialogue for other scenes in the fifth chapter. I have a feeling it will be a good thing by time I hit up chapters five.

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