Saturday, January 27, 2007

I'm an Astronaut

Today I feel like an astronaut, because my head's above the clouds, and I'm so reaching for the stars. Washed my clothes today, and wrote down some ideas I know I should type out. I need a new note pad. Responded to friend's emails, and hoping to watch a movie and call it a day. Iron Chef has beets tonight. Beets? It might as well be an all liver battle or all dirt battle. Neither food interests me in the slightest (yeah, and they taste awful).

I had the best bowl of homemade chili. Chili is love. It's good and spicy without fighting with my insides, which makes it 20 times better than usual. I was going to make plain ole burger, but then I decided that it was not needed . Chili was better, and I hadn't had any in a while.


Anonymous said...

Stacy can I have your recipe for chili? I would love to try it.

Unknown said...

I will email it to you. :-)