Monday, January 22, 2007

Writing Not For Nothing

Was I ever so tired today. Yesterday I so boldly drank Sumatra coffee, and while the flavor is bold, so is the caffeine. It gave me power until the wee hours in the morning. I ended up writing (no duh), and getting some things done. Went to bed late, and tried to sleep. Watched TV/DVD's for a hot moment, and I finally fell asleep only to be wakened by my phone at 9:00 AM. WTH? I could not go back to sleep.

Decided during my break to revise twelve pages of chapter 2. Also decided that I could do the technical reformatting, just not the creative part because I am still tiered. if I have any juice, I MAY handwrite some changes on the script tonight. I really don't want to be too lazy about this, as I'd LOVE to complete what I started before classes start for me again, so that's a two months from now. No pressure.

Spoke to Mom twice today. Both surpise calls from her. I miss her. :-) It makes me feel great to talk to her.

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