Thursday, January 04, 2007

Oh No He Didn't...

Years ago, while mall hopping (something I will likely never do again) I spotted a couple in a department store. The Misses was trying on an outfit (or ten-I don't know). She made a little twirl to show the outfit off, and asked her man "How does this outfit look?"

Without fliching, that bastard said, "It makes you look fat." OMG, the look on that lady's face. She was mortified. So mortified it burned an imprint into my skull. I never heard a man say something so cold to a woman.

I told a friend who suggested the man wanted to leave, and he was mad at the woman for dragging him to the store while she tried on outfits. Damn. Calling your woman fat in front of strangers and the sales lady? That's a cold, cold man.

The writer in me still wonders what happened after they left the store.

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