Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bite Me Chaos!!!!

I'm in a bit of a funk today. Stressing and stuff. I am needed some good laughs and a good mood. Irregardless of my mood, I will do some writing tonight. Maybe I should write something funny. You know, lift me up, or get lost in something deep. I don't know. I will play some music and let my spirit be guided by the songs.

I need to mellow out and find me some inner peace to the turmoil that is my life. Chaos surrounds me, and I have a good and kids-sized shoebox for it to be stuffed into. I will NOT give up on myself. I will break free of all that constrains me.

Chaos can bite me! Its time to give attitude back. I am tired of feeling like I needed to be in a slump throughout my day.

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