Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Chapters Three, Four and Five

My migraine has returend to me with less intensity. I made myself get out of bed. I need to drink some water, and fix me something to eat. Then I can at least take some Advil, and some vitamins.

The revisons for chapters three and four are completed. I'm leaving them alone for a day or so, so I can look over it with fresh eyes. Chapter five is being worked on. I have been cutting some scenes/pages out, and adding some newer ones that make sense to me, and hopefully the reader. The problem with me is some of the new scenes could go on for pages. Decided to forgo that route. I think some of those scenes can and will be expaned upon if I decide to do another mini-series. It was good to fit those ideas in proper. Chapter five does need a lot more techinical work,such as formatting, and grammatical corrections, which I am happy to work on. I will have the final chapter to complete afterwards, which I will handle with the same vigor.

After chapter six id done, I will work on all the additional isses with the proposal, and all necessary elements. I did want to peep some research on history for a reference.

Called my Dad last night. I wonder about him. He is sometimes very approachable, and other times standoffish. I wonder about him. Oh, well. Life is like that. I suppose he'll be fine. Told him I planned on visiting soon. He was blah. Too much drama for me behind the scenes.

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