Saturday, October 28, 2006

Risk Taking

I wonder sometimes what would happen if I broke out of my comfort zone. That is to say try new clothes, new songs, new stories to read, and ways I approach topics. I broke my posting limits for blogging, and am heading towards a more productive phase. I'm taking it as an evolution in my life.

I want to see myself looking like a pro with projects to push and stories to seel and tell. I want to see me back in visual art. I am so retriving my drawing board, and pastels. I need to make a living past the life I have have. I need to see a future where I am surrounded by high success, and not crums. Ok I have moved into the working class, and now feel a need to exceed those bonds.

I want to seem my subjects expand, and me not treat my writing and art so damn fragile. I want to be confidant in the moves I make, and less worried about appearences. Sometimes you have to let go of everything, and today is that moment where I look in the mirro and say "I'm better than this shit." I've done it, worked it, paid some dues, and need to build a better man from the ground up.

I need to take some chances on myself. Reinforce my independence with passion for living and creating. Otherwise, in another year I will posting wishing I had zigged, zagged, and did the straight and narrow.

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