Friday, October 20, 2006

Stacy Un-Squared

I have these story concepts and ideas I put on the back burner because some of them were dark, and others were so silly, I thought people would reject the ideas and eventually myself. Its hard to take rejection, sometimes, and I can't fortify myself enough to break away from the sting rejection sets.

Sometimes I can be so stupid. It doesn't matter what people think at this point of the creative process. All things written down are merely concepts that are for me to figure out how to execute. Why not write the concepts out and then evaluate them afterwards? I really need to dust off my writing self-esteem, and wear it like a badge. My creativity will lead me to success, and I will not be held hostage by my unfounded fears.

So what if the stories and ideas are not mainstream? I'm not mainstream. I march to the beat of my own drum. I do as I please (most of the time), and I don't want anybody to tell me how to live or feel. (I should get a tattoo.-NOT) Sometimes conforming sucks, unless it pays the bills. I want to take more chances with my writing, and I want to challenge myself to break out of the mindset of tailoring my stories to please others. This is only a mask for me to be accepted, and if you like the real me, then the real writing will shine through, dark story or no-quality is quality. Why don't I work on pleasing me, and making myself happy? Success will follow and flow like a river.

I will be brainstorming more tonight and I don't care if it seems silly or downright dark/scary. I no longer want to be afraid of my own thoughts. As an artist I am journeying to independence.

I feel so naughty, and it feels good.

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