Monday, October 09, 2006

Embracing My Inner Mind

Most people wouldn't know, but I have a wicked sense of humor. I usually keep it in check because quite frankly, not everybody's amused by all things, and I do want to be taken seriously...some of the time. I had this crazy idea/joke I emailed my brother, and he emailed me back telling me I was crazy. He found the joke real funny, and said it was too bad I couldn't share this humor with other people. He was sure it would be worth the time and energy to give people a good laugh and be successful at it. For the record I made a joke about a movie and cast some people we knew in the scene. We both knew it was good for a laugh, but no one else would get it.

This is the second time I have done this and didn’t capitalize on it. I sent a friend an email as a silly joke about what was going on. She called me later and said she was laughing so hard her mascara ran. She told me she was going to have to put stock in Mabelne if I kept sending her joke emails. These were stories about how the day was going. Whatever I have, I have a certain gift for humor. My guess is that my blog has this aspect, because several people have told me how funny they have found the readings. Well, let's put this too the test. I will try to write like I always do, and try not to censor my ideas, so at the very least, you will be hearting about how my writing shapes up? Wouldn’t it be nice to carve my own path to success?

it'd be nice if I won the lotto too, while I am talking success. Let's see how crazy I can be. (Secretly, I think I was a mad cartoonist in another life-this one too-history repeats itself).

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