Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Don't Sleep On Me, Dammit!!!!!

I had a friend once, describe to people she didn't like, that they "could kiss her ass in a JC Penny window if they didn't like what they saw." She pulled no punches, sparred no feelings, and let things go on the spot. I have to admire her brazeness. I thought about it. What would it be like to live your life like you really don't give a damn how others with negative attitudes and actions think about you?

We live in a world where you earn your keep, and I was thinking of sharpening the edge of my mellowness. I think I'll adopt her philosophy. Try it on, as to see if I can channel energy into something postive for me. I want to take a good risk, a leap of faith that I can handle life on my terms, and get down to business.

EDIT: To clarify, I'm not about blasting people out, but rather cutting out all the petty horshit that can vcome with a workday, or dealing with pople. I am also willing to settle things directly, and professionaly. I have always been a nice guy, and I am not shedding my niceness, just putting myself in a place that if I have to bare my fangs, then they will show.

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